Division I Proposal - 2003-41


Status: Adopted Final

Intent: To permit a student-athlete to receive monies from the NCAA Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund and exempt such funds from the individual or team grant-in-aid limitations; further, to prohibit conferences and institutions from using the fund for salaries, grants-in-aid (other than summer school), capital improvements and stipends.

A.    Bylaws: Amend 15.01.7 by adding new, pages 173-174, as follows:

" Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund. The receipt of monies from the NCAA Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund for student-athletes is not included in determining the permissible amount of financial aid that a member institution may award to a student-athlete. Member institutions and conferences shall not use monies received from the fund to finance salaries, grants-in-aid (other than summer school) for student-athletes with remaining eligibility, capital improvements and stipends."

B.    Bylaws: Amend 16.12.1 by adding new, pages 211-212, as follows:

" Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund.  A student-athlete may receive monies from the NCAA Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund.  Member institutions and conferences shall not use monies received from the fund to finance salaries, grants-in-aid (other than summer school) for student-athletes with remaining eligibility, capital improvements and stipends."

Source: NCAA Division I Board of Directors (Management Council).

Effective Date:Immediate

Proposal Category: Amendment

Topical Area: Financial Aid

Rationale: The Division I Board of Directors and NCAA Executive Committee approved the establishment of the $17,000,000 Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund beginning in August 2003, which will be allocated to conferences on the basis of sports sponsorship and grants-in-aid and may be used to assist any student-athlete. The primary purpose of the fund is to maximize conference and institution flexibility to pay expenses that arise in conjunction with a student-athlete's participation in intercollegiate athletics or that recognize or support the student-athlete's academic achievement. During the past year, a task force of conference personnel, NCAA staff and member institutions evaluated potential uses for the fund, as well as benefits provided through the current Special Assistance Fund. The task force recommends the adoption of this proposal that permits a student-athlete to receive monies and exempts such funds from the NCAA's individual or team grant-in-aid limitations. The proposal also prohibits institutions from using the fund for expenditures unrelated to the fund's purpose, such as salaries, grants-in-aid (other than summer school), capital improvements and stipends.

Estimated Budget Impact: None.

Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): None.


Feb 10, 2003: Submit; Submitted for consideration.
Apr 14, 2003: Mgmt Council 1st Review
Apr 24, 2003: Adopted, Pending Possible Board Review, Adopted
Apr 24, 2003: Adopted, Override Period; Start of Override Period
Jun 23, 2003: Adopted, Override Period; End of Override Period
Jun 23, 2003: Adopted; Adopted - Final

Legislative References

Division Number Title
I 15.01.6 Maximum Institutional Financial Aid to Individual.
I 16.11.1 Permissible.