Division III Proposal - 2003-41-1


Convention Year: 2003

Date Submitted: October 31, 2002

Status: Adopted Final

Effective Date: August 1, 2004

Official Notice Number: 2003-41-1

Source: NCAA Division III Presidents Council [Management Council (Playing and Practice Seasons Subcommittee)].

Proposal Category: Amendment-to-Amendment

Topical Area: Playing and Practice Seasons

Intent: To amend 2003 NCAA Convention Proposal No. 41, as specified. [Note: This proposal is presented in a nontraditional format. Revisions will be made to the appropriate bylaws to reflect the concepts endorsed by this proposal, if adopted. Below, the sports of football, soccer (representative of fall-season sports), basketball (representative of winter-season sports), and baseball (representative of spring-season sports) are used to illustrate the proposed changes.]

A.    Bylaws: Amend Amend Proposal No. 41, 17.1.4, as follows:

"17.1.4 Sports Subject to Segment Limitations. Segment limitations are applicable to all team sports that are listed under Bylaw and all individual sports listed under Bylaw In those sports for which the National Collegiate Championship is the only NCAA championships opportunity (see Bylaw 18.3), an institution' playing season shall be limited to 19 weeks for winter and spring sports and no more than 18 weeks for fall sports."

B.    Bylaws: Amend Proposal No. 41, by adding new, as follows:

" Traditional and Nontraditional Segment Length -- Fall and Spring Sports. All practice and competition during the nontraditional segment shall be limited to a maximum of five weeks.

" Exception -- Golf, Women's Rowing, and Tennis. In women's rowing, an institution's nontraditional segment may exceed five weeks. In addition, a member institution that conducts its nontraditional segment of golf or tennis in the fall and meets the requirements of Bylaw may have a nontraditional segment in golf or tennis that exceeds five weeks."

C.    Bylaws: Amend Proposal No. 41, 17.4, as follows:

"17.4 BASEBALL. Regulations for computing the baseball-playing season are set forth in Bylaw 17.1, General Playing-Season Regulations. (Also see Figure 17-1.)

[17.4.1 unchanged.]

"17.4.2 Preseason Practice.  A member institution shall not commence practice sessions in baseball before the following dates:

"(a) Traditional Segment. The date that permits a maximum of 25 practice opportunities (see Bylaw 17.02.11) before the first scheduled intercollegiate game. The date 14 weeks prior to the selection date of the Division III Baseball Championship.

[17.4.2-(b) unchanged.]

"17.4.3 First Contest Date.  A member institution shall not play its first contest with outside competition in baseball before the following dates:

"(a) Traditional Segment. The preceding Friday ten weeks prior to the selection date of the Division III Baseball Championship, except as otherwise permitted in Bylaw  The date 14 weeks prior to the selection date of the Division III Baseball Championship."

[17.4.3-(b) unchanged.]

[Remainder of 17.4 unchanged.]

D.    Bylaws: Amend Proposal No. 41, 17.5, as follows:


[17.5.1 unchanged.] 

"17.5.2 Preseason Practices

" On-Court Practice.  A member institution shall not commence on-court preseason basketball practice sessions before the date that permits a maximum of 25 practice opportunities (see Bylaw 17.02.11) before the first scheduled intercollegiate game 19 consecutive weeks prior to the selection date of the Division III Basketball Championship

[ unchanged.]

[Remainder of 17.5.2 unchanged.]

"17.5.3 First Contest.  A member institution shall not play its first contest with outside competition in basketball before the preceding Friday 15 weeks prior to the selection date of the Division III Basketball Championship Friday immediately before Thanksgiving, except as provided under Bylaw"

E.    Bylaws: Amend Proposal No. 41, 17.11, as follows:


"17.11.1 Length of Playing Season.  The length of an institution's playing season in football shall be limited to a maximum of 19 18 weeks between the start of preseason practice (see Bylaw 17.11.2) and the end of the regular playing season (see Bylaw 17.11.4). This 19 18-week period includes preseason practice activities as set forth in Bylaw 17.11.2. Guidelines for computing the football playing season are set forth in Bylaw 17.1, General Playing-Season Regulations. (See Bylaw 17.11.3 for restrictions on first contest dates.)

[17.11.2 unchanged.]

"17.11.3 First Contest.  A member institution shall not play its first contest with outside competition in football before the preceding Friday 10 weeks prior to the selection date of the Division III Football Championship prior to 11 weeks before the first round of the Division III Football Championships, except as otherwise permitted in Bylaw"

[Remainder of 17.11 unchanged.]

F.    Bylaws: Amend Proposal No. 41, 17.19, as follows:

"17.19 SOCCER. Regulations for computing the soccer playing season are set forth in Bylaw 17.1, General Playing-Season Regulations. (Also see Figure 17-1.)

"17.19.1 Length of Playing Season.  The length of an institution's playing season in soccer shall be limited to a maximum of 19 18 weeks (traditional and nontraditional segments combined).

"17.19.2 Preseason Practice.  A member institution shall not commence practice sessions in soccer before the following dates:

"(a) Traditional Segment. The date that permits a maximum of 20 practice opportunities (see Bylaw 17.02.11) before the first scheduled intercollegiate game 16 practice opportunitites prior to the first intercollegiate contest.

[17.19.2-(b) unchanged.]

"17.19.3 First Contest or Date of Competition.  A member institution shall not play its first contest with outside competition in soccer before the following dates:

"(a) Traditional Segment. The preceding Friday nine weeks prior to the selection date of the Division III Soccer Championship September 1 or the preceding Friday if September 1 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday, except as otherwise permitted in Bylaw"

[17.19.3-(b) unchanged.]

[Remainder of 17.19 unchanged.]

Rationale: Based on additional feedback from the membership, the subcommittee has revised its proposed playing and practice seasons model to allow for greater institutional autonomy and discretion, while maintaining the model's most significant components (i.e., length of overall playing seasons, contest limitations, preseason exempt scrimmages). The model's goal of consistency is still achieved. However, the revised model will promote easier application of the proposed legislation and will alleviate confusion.

Budget Impact:

Co-sponsorship - Conference:

Co-sponsorship - Institution:

Convention Vote:
  Date of Vote: January 13, 2003
    For: 184
    Against: 179
    Abstain: 2
    Not Present:

Legislative References

Division Number Title
III 17.1 General Playing-Season Regulations.
III 17.2 Baseball.
III 17.3 Basketball.
III 17.10 Football.
III 17.19 Soccer.