Division I Proposal - 2023-50


Status: Adopted Final

Intent: To specify that delayed enrollment penalties shall be based on the number of contests (or dates of competition) in which the student-athlete participated as a percentage of the maximum number of permissible contests (or dates of competition) in the sport per NCAA Bylaw 17 for each calendar year after the one-year period (or 21st birthday) and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment in which the student-athlete has participated in organized competition, as specified.

A.    Bylaws: Amend 12, as follows:

12 Amateurism and Athletics Eligibility

[12.01 through 12.7 unchanged.]

12.8 Seasons of Competition: Five-Year Rule. A student-athlete shall not engage in more than four seasons of intercollegiate competition in any one sport (see Bylaws 12.02.6 and 14.3.3). An institution shall not permit a student-athlete to represent it in intercollegiate competition unless the individual completes all seasons of participation in all sports within the time periods specified below:

[12.8.1 through 12.8.2 unchanged.]

12.8.3 Criteria for Determining Season of Competition.

[ unchanged.] Delayed Enrollment -- Seasons of Competition. Sports Other Than Men's Ice Hockey, Skiing and Tennis. In sports other than men's ice hockey, skiing and tennis, a student-athlete who does not enroll in a collegiate institution as a full-time student in a regular academic term during a one-year period (by October 1 or March 1 immediately after one year has elapsed) after the student-athlete's high school graduation date or the graduation date of the student-athlete's class (as determined by the first year of high school enrollment or the international equivalent as specified in the NCAA Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility and based on the prescribed educational path in the student-athlete's country), whichever occurs earlier, shall be subject to the following: a delayed enrollment condition based on the number of contests (or dates of competition) in which the student-athlete participated as a percentage of the maximum number of permissible contests (or dates of competition) in the sport per NCAA Bylaw 17 for each calendar year after the one-year period and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment in which the student-athlete has participated in organized competition per Bylaw 12.02.9. (See Figure 12-2.)

(a) The student-athlete shall be charged with a season of intercollegiate eligibility for each calendar year after the one-year period and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment during which the student-athlete has participated in organized competition per Bylaw 12.02.9.

(b) After the one-year period, if the student-athlete has engaged in competition per Bylaw 12.02.9, on matriculation at the certifying institution, the student-athlete must fulfill an academic year of residence before being eligible to represent the institution in intercollegiate competition.

[ through unchanged.] Tennis. In tennis, a student-athlete who does not enroll in a collegiate institution as a full-time student in a regular academic term within six months (by October 1 or March 1 immediately after six months have elapsed) after the student-athlete's high school graduation date or the graduation date of the student-athlete's class (as determined by the first year of high school enrollment or the international equivalent as specified in the NCAA Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility and based on the prescribed educational path in the student-athlete's country), whichever occurs earlier, shall be subject to the following:a delayed enrollment condition based on the number of dates of competition in which the student-athlete participated as a percentage of the maximum number of permissible or dates of competition in the sport per NCAA Bylaw 17 for each calendar year after the six-month period and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment in which the student-athlete has participated in organized competition per Bylaw 12.02.9. (See Figure 12-2.)

(a) The student-athlete shall be charged with a season of intercollegiate eligibility for each calendar year after the six-month period has elapsed and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment during which the student-athlete has participated in organized competition per Bylaw 12.02.9.

(b) After the six-month period, if the student-athlete has engaged in organized competition per Bylaw 12.02.9, on matriculation at the certifying institution, the student-athlete must fulfill an academic year of residence before being eligible to represent the institution in intercollegiate competition.

[ through unchanged.] Matriculation After 20th Birthday -- Tennis. In tennis, a student-athlete who is eligible under Bylaw, but who participates in organized tennis events after the student-athlete's 20th birthday and before full-time enrollment at the certifying institution shall be subject to the following: a delayed enrollment condition based on the number of dates of competition in which the student-athlete participated as a percentage of the maximum number of permissible dates of competition in the sport per NCAA Bylaw 17. (See Figure 12-2.)

(a) The student will be charged with one season of intercollegiate tennis competition for each calendar year after the student-athlete's 20th birthday and prior to full-time enrollment at the certifying institution during which the student-athlete has participated in organized tennis competition per Bylaw 12.02.9. [Note: This includes participation in intercollegiate tennis while enrolled full time in another two-year or four-year institution; however, this provision replaces the season of competition counted in Bylaw 12.8 (only one season is used in any one year).]

(b) Upon matriculation at the certifying institution, the student-athlete must fulfill an academic year of residence before being eligible to represent the institution in intercollegiate tennis, unless the student-athlete attended a collegiate institution (or institutions) as a full-time student for at least two semesters or three quarters (excluding summer terms) and satisfactorily completed an average of at least 12 semester or quarter hours of transferable-degree credit for each term of full-time attendance.

[ through unchanged.] Low-level and Minimally Organized Participation. A student-athlete may be granted relief from delayed enrollment conditions during the amateurism certification process for participation that meets the definition of organized competition (see Bylaw 12.02.9) but is determined to be low-level or minimally organized participation.

[ through unchanged.] Participation After 21st Birthday -- Men's Ice Hockey and Skiing. In men's ice hockey and skiing, any participation as an individual or a team representative in organized sports competition by a student during each 12-month period after the student's 21st birthday and prior to initial full-time enrollment in a collegiate institution shall count as one year of varsity competition in that sport result in a delayed enrollment condition based on the number of contests (or dates of competition) in which the student-athlete participated as a percentage of the maximum number of permissible contests (or dates of competition) in the sport per NCAA Bylaw 17. (See Figure 12-2.). Participation in organized competition during time spent in the armed services, on official religious missions or with recognized foreign aid services of the U.S. government shall be excepted.

[ through unchanged.]

[12.8.4 through 12.8.6 unchanged.]

[12.9 through 12.12 unchanged.]

B.    Bylaws: Amend Bylaw Figure 12-2, as follows:

2 Delayed Enrollment Conditions.

Source: NCAA Division I Council (Student-Athlete Experience Committee)

Effective Date:August 1, 2024, for student-athletes initially enrolling full-time in a collegiate institution on or after August 1, 2024.

Proposal Category: Amendment

Topical Area: Amateurism and Athletics Eligibility

Rationale: Codifying existing Council-Approved Review Process Guidelines into the legislation promotes consistency with rules modernization initiatives and aligns legislation with preenrollment amateurism policies that have been applied since 2014-15. Although the policies are currently applied, codification of the guidelines simplifies educational messaging, promotes consistency and permits proactive guidance on avoiding a delayed-enrollment condition. If adopted, national office staff would continue to identify delayed enrollment conditions based on the amount of competition (other than low-level/minimally organized competition) in which the individual participated in each calendar year after the legislated grace period and prior to initial full-time collegiate enrollment during the amateurism certification process.

Division I Commitment addressed by proposal: The Commitment to Student-Athlete Well-Being.

Is the proposal consequential or nationally significant?: Yes. Application of delayed enrollment legislation is nationally significant.

Is the proposal enforceable and how do the merits outweigh monitoring burdens?: Yes. No monitoring burden.

How does the proposal support student-athlete success/well-being?: Codifying policy that provides incoming student-athletes relief from penalties assessed due to participation in low-level and minimally organized competition or national team competition prior to initial full-time collegiate enrollment supports student-athlete success and well-being.

Estimated Budget Impact: None.

Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): None.


Oct 16, 2023: In Progress
Dec 5, 2023: Ready for Vote
Jan 10, 2024: Adopted by Council
Jan 10, 2024: Adopted Final

Legislative References

Division Number Title
I 12 Amateurism and Athletics Eligibility
I 12.8 Seasons of Competition: Five-Year Rule.
I 12.8.3 Criteria for Determining Season of Competition.
I Delayed Enrollment -- Seasons of Competition.
I Sports Other Than Men's Ice Hockey, Skiing and Tennis.
I Tennis.
I Matriculation After 20th Birthday -- Tennis.
I Low-level and Minimally Organized Participation.
I Participation After 21st Birthday -- Men's Ice Hockey and Skiing.
I Figure 12-2 Delayed Enrollment Conditions.