Division I Proposal - ER-2016-7


Status: Adopted Final

A.    Bylaws: Amend, as follows: Ineligibility for Use of Banned Drugs. A student-athlete who, as a result of a drug test administered by the NCAA, tests positive for use of a substance in a banned drug class, as set forth in Bylaw, shall be declared ineligible for further participation in postseason and regular-season competition in accordance with the ineligibility provisions in this bylaw. Penalty -- Banned Drug Classes Other Than "Street Illicit Drugs." A student-athlete who, as a result of a drug test administered by the NCAA, tests positive for use of a substance in a banned drug class other than "street illicit drugs" (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors) shall be charged with the loss of one season of competition in all sports in addition to the use of a season, pursuant to Bylaw, if he or she has participated in intercollegiate competition during the same academic year. The student-athlete shall remain ineligible for all regular-season and postseason competition during the time period ending one calendar year (365 days) after the collection of the student-athlete's positive drug-test specimen and until he or she tests negative (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors). Second Positive Test. If a student-athlete who previously tested positive for the use of a substance in a banned drug class other than "street illicit drugs" tests positive a second time for the use of a substance in a banned drug class other than "street illicit drugs," he or she shall lose all remaining regular-season and postseason eligibility in all sports. If a student-athlete who previously tested positive for the use of a substance in a banned drug class other than "street illicit drugs" tests positive for the use of a substance in the banned drug class "street illicit drugs," he or she shall be ineligible for competition for 50 percent of a season in all sports (the first 50 percent of the Bylaw 17 maximum regular-season contests or dates of competition). The student-athlete shall remain ineligible from the time the institution is notified of the test result until the prescribed penalty is fulfilled and he or she tests negative (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors). Penalty -- "Street Illicit Drugs." A student-athlete who, as a result of a drug test administered by the NCAA, tests positive for use of a substance in the banned drug class "street illicit drugs" (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors) shall be charged with the loss of competition during 50 percent of a season in all sports (50 percent of the Bylaw 17 maximum regular-season contests or dates of competition). The student-athlete shall remain ineligible from the time the institution is notified of the test result until the prescribed penalty is fulfilled and he or she tests negative (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors). Second Positive Test. If a student-athlete who previously tested positive for use of a substance in the banned drug class "street illicit drugs" tests positive a second time for use of a substance in the banned drug class "street illicit drugs," he or she shall be charged with the loss of one additional season of competition in all sports, in addition to the use of a season, pursuant to Bylaw, if he or she has participated in intercollegiate competition during the same academic year. The student-athlete shall remain ineligible for all regular-season and postseason competition during the time period ending one calendar year (365 days) after the collection of his or her second positive drug-test specimen or until the period of ineligibility for any prior positive drug tests has expired, whichever occurs later. If a student-athlete who previously tested positive for use of a substance in the banned drug class "street illicit drugs" tests positive for use of a substance in a banned drug class other than "street illicit drugs," he or she shall be charged with the loss of one season of competition in all sports, in addition to the use of a season, pursuant to Bylaw, if he or she has participated in intercollegiate competition during the same academic year. The student-athlete shall remain ineligible for all regular-season and postseason competition during the time period ending one calendar year (365 days) after the collection of the student-athlete's positive drug test specimen and until he or she tests negative (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors). Breach of NCAA Drug-Testing Program Protocol. A student-athlete who is in breach of the NCAA drug-testing program protocol (e.g., no-show) shall be considered to have tested positive for the use of any drug other than a "street an illicit drug."

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B.    Administrative: Amend 31.2.3, as follows:

31.2.3 Ineligibility for Use of Banned Drugs. See Bylaw for the details related to ineligibility for use of banned drugs. Banned Drugs. The following is the list of banned-drug classes. The Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports (or a designated subcommittee) has the authority to identify specific banned drugs and exceptions within each class. The institution and student-athlete shall be held accountable for all drugs within the banned-drug classes regardless of whether they have been specifically identified.

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(e) Street Illicit drugs;

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Source: NCAA Staff

Effective Date:Immediate

Proposal Category: Editorial

Topical Area: Championships and Postseason Football


Nov 18, 2016: Adopted Final This revision was made at the request of the Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports. The committee noted that the term "street drug" is outdated and inappropriate. The illicit drugs class will continue to include marijuana, synthetic cannabis and heroin, and other related drugs of abuse.

Legislative References

Division Number Title
I Ineligibility for Use of Banned Drugs.
I Penalty -- Banned Drug Classes Other Than "Street Drugs."
I Second Positive Test.
I Penalty -- "Street Drugs."
I Second Positive Test.
I Breach of NCAA Drug-Testing Program Protocol.
I 31.2.3 Ineligibility for Use of Banned Drugs.
I Banned Drugs.