Division I Proposal - 2015-48


Status: Adopted Final

Intent: To establish exceptions to the prohibitions on endorsements of events that primarily involve prospective student-athletes, or endorsements of a prospective student-athlete's team or coach, or an athletics facility that is primarily used by prospective student-athletes, and an exception to the restrictions on publicity before commitment that permits actions (e.g., "like," "favorite," republish, etc.) by an institutional staff member on social media platforms that indicate approval of content on social media platforms that was generated by users of the platforms other than institutional staff members or representatives of an institution's athletics interests.

A.    Bylaws: Amend 11.3.2, as follows:

11.3.2 Income in Addition to Institutional Salary.

[ through unchanged.] Consultant for or Endorsement of Noninstitutional Athletics Events Involving Prospective Student-Athletes. An athletics department staff member may not serve as a consultant for a noninstitutional athletics event that primarily involves prospective student-athletes and may not endorse or promote such an event. Exception -- Actions That Indicate Approval of Content on Social Media Platforms.  An athletics department staff member may take actions (e.g., "like," "favorite," republish, etc.) on social media platforms that indicate approval of content on social media platforms that was generated by users of the platforms other than institutional staff members or representatives of an institution's athletics interests. Promotion or Endorsement of a Prospective Student-Athlete’s Team, Coach or Athletics Facility. An athletics department staff member shall not promote or endorse a prospective student-athlete’s team or coach, or an athletics facility that is primarily used by prospective student-athletes. Exception -- Actions That Indicate Approval of Content on Social Media Platforms.  An athletics department staff member may take actions (e.g., "like," "favorite," republish, etc.) on social media platforms that indicate approval of content on social media platforms that was generated by users of the platforms other than institutional staff members or representatives of an institution's athletics interests.

B.    Bylaws: Amend 13.10.2, as follows:

13.10.2 Publicity Before Commitment.

[ through unchanged.] Exception -- Actions That Indicate Approval of Content on Social Media Platforms.  An athletics department staff member may take actions (e.g., "like," "favorite," republish, etc.) on social media platforms that indicate approval of content on social media platforms that was generated by users of the platforms other than institutional staff members or representatives of an institution's athletics interests.

Source: Mid-American Conference

Effective Date:August 1, 2016

Proposal Category: Amendment

Topical Area: Recruiting

Rationale: Under the current legislation, it is difficult to monitor all coaches and their social media activities (e.g., "likes," "favorites," republishing, etc.). This proposal would create exceptions to the restrictions related to endorsement activities and publicity related to recruiting on social media platforms and attempt to maintain pace with the frequent creation and/or enhancement of social media applications.

Estimated Budget Impact: None.

Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): None.


Aug 11, 2015: Submit; Submitted for consideration.
Sep 25, 2015: Comment Period; Start of Comment Period
Dec 1, 2015: Comment Period; End of Comment Period (Official Comment Totals: Support = 3, Oppose = 0, Abstain = 1)
Apr 8, 2016: Adopted, Pending Possible Board Review
Apr 28, 2016: No Action Taken by the Board of Directors
Apr 29, 2016: Adopted, Rescission Period; Start of Rescission Period
Jun 27, 2016: Adopted, Rescission Period; End of Rescission Period
Jun 27, 2016: Adopted; Adopted - Final

Legislative References

Division Number Title
I 11.3.2 Income in Addition to Institutional Salary.
I 13.10.2 Publicity Before Commitment.