Status: Adopted Final
Intent: To specify that an institution shall: (1) Submit its written concussion procedures and protocol to a Concussion Safety Protocol Committee for review on an annual basis, including a written certificate of compliance signed by the athletics director; (2) Review its concussion procedures annually; and (3) Provide information to the committee, as the committee may request, concerning any incident in which a student-athlete may have suffered a concussion; further, to establish the Concussion Safety Protocol Committee and its duties.
A. Bylaws: Amend, as follows: Concussion Management Plan. An active member institution shall have a concussion management plan for its student-athletes. The plan shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) An annual process that ensures student-athletes are educated about the signs and symptoms of concussion. Student-athletes must acknowledge that they have received information about the signs and symptoms of concussion and that they have a responsibility to report concussion-related injuries and illnesses to a medical staff member;
(b) A process that ensures a student-athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion shall be removed from athletics activities (e.g., competition, practice, conditioning sessions) and evaluated by a medical staff member (e.g., sports medicine staff, team physician) with experience in the evaluation and management of concussions;
(c) A policy that precludes a student-athlete diagnosed with a concussion from returning to athletics activity (e.g., competition, practice, conditioning sessions) for at least the remainder of that calendar day; and
(d) A policy that requires medical clearance for a student-athlete diagnosed with a concussion to return to the athletics activity (e.g., competition, practice, conditioning sessions) as determined by a physician (e.g., team physician) or the physician's designee. Concussion Safety Protocol. [A] An institution shall submit its Concussion Safety Protocol to the Concussion Safety Protocol Committee by May 1 of each year. The protocol shall be consistent with the Inter-Association Consensus: Diagnosis and Management of Sport-Related Concussion Guidelines and shall include:
(a) Policies and procedures that meet the requirements of Constitution
(b) Procedures for preparticipation baseline testing of each student athlete;
(c) Procedures for reducing exposure to head injuries;
(d) Procedures for education about concussion, including a policy that addresses return-to-learn;
(e) Procedures to ensure that proper and appropriate concussion management, consistent with best known practices and the Inter-Association Consensus: Diagnosis and Management of Sport-Related Concussion Guidelines, is made available to any student-athlete who has suffered a concussion;
(f) Procedures requiring that the process of identifying, removing from game or practice, and assessing a student-athlete for a possible concussion are reviewed annually; and
(g) A written certificate of compliance signed by the institution's athletics director. Information to Concussion Safety Protocol Committee. [A] An institution shall provide information to the Concussion Safety Protocol Committee, as the committee may request, concerning any incident in which a student-athlete may have suffered a concussion.
B. Bylaws: Amend 21.7, as follows:
21.7 Division I Cabinets and Committees.
[21.7.1 through 21.7.8 unchanged.]
21.7.9 Concussion Safety Protocol Committee. [A] Composition. [A] The Concussion Safety Protocol Committee shall consist of six members. One member shall be appointed by the NCAA president. One member shall be appointed by each commissioner of the five conferences named in Constitution Each representative shall be a medically-qualified individual who has appropriate knowledge and competence to fulfill the duties of the committee. Term of Office. [A] A committee member may be removed at any time at the discretion of the appropriate appointing authority (NCAA president or specific conference commissioner). Duties. [A] The committee shall:
(a) Review each institution's Concussion Safety Protocol for consistency with the requirements of Constitution by June 30 of the calendar year in which it is submitted; and
(b) Provide guidance and updates concerning expectations and requirements for Concussion Safety Protocols and best practices for baseline testing, prevention, education, evaluation, and management of concussions in a manner that is consistent with the Inter-Association Consensus: Diagnosis and Management of Sport-Related Concussion Guidelines.
Source: Southeastern Conference
Effective Date:Immediate for formulation of the committee and implementation of the submission process for the 2015-16 academic year. An institution shall submit its Concussion Safety Protocol by May 1, 2015. The committee shall review the Concussion Safety Protocols by June 30, 2015.
Proposal Category: Amendment
Topical Area: NCAA Membership
Rationale: The health and safety of student-athletes is the responsibility of and should be the first priority for each institution. Significant attention has been focused in recent years on appropriate prevention, assessment, and management of concussions. This proposal will assist in furthering such goals through the establishment of a concussion safety protocol. In order to help ensure compliance with this legislation, the NCAA national office will establish a process for reporting concerns and possible noncompliance.
Estimated Budget Impact: Minimal.
Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): None.
Dec 1, 2014: | Submit; Submitted for consideration. |
Dec 15, 2014: | Comment Period; Start of Comment Period |
Jan 8, 2015: | Sponsor Modification; Sponsor modified proposal to require an institution to submit its Concussion Safety Protocol to the Concussion Safety Protocol Committee by May 1 of each year and that the Concussion Safety Protocol Committee review the submissions by June 30. Further, to require an institution to annually review its processes of identifying, removing from game or practice, and assessing a student-athlete for a possible concussion. Finally, to require that procedures for education about concussion include a policy that addresses return-to-learn. |
Jan 12, 2015: | Comment Period; End of Comment Period (Official Comment Totals: Support = 3, Oppose = 0, Abstain = 0) |
Jan 17, 2015: | Adopted; Adopted - Final |
Legislative References
Division | Number | Title |
I | | Concussion Management Plan. |
I | 21.7 | Division I Committees. |