Status: Adopted Final
Intent: To specify that a strength and conditioning coach shall be certified and maintain current certification through a nationally accredited strength and conditioning certification program.
Bylaws: Amend 11.1, as follows:
11.1 Conduct of Athletics Personnel.
[11.1.1 through 11.1.4 unchanged.]
11.1.5 Strength and Conditioning Coach Certification. A strength and conditioning coach shall be certified and maintain current certification through a nationally accredited strength and conditioning certification program.
Source: NCAA Division I Championships/Sports Management Cabinet (Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports)
Effective Date:August 1, 2015
Proposal Category: Amendment
Topical Area: Athletics Personnel
Rationale: The NCAA Principle of Student-Athlete Well-Being states it is the responsibility of each member institution to protect the health of, and provide a safe environment for, each of its student-athletes. Based on the number of sudden deaths that have occurred during conditioning sessions, it is appropriate to establish a certification requirement that would institute a minimum standard for staff who design and conduct one of the highest risk athletics activities. In March 2012, the Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports released an article on the components institutions should consider in identifying a nationally recognized certification program. This proposal promotes student-athlete safety and well-being by providing the foundation for appropriate healthcare oversight, critical prevention and response to catastrophic health and safety issues and sudden death related to athletics participation.
Estimated Budget Impact: Minimal.
Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): None.
Position Statement(s):
Recruiting and Athletics Personnel Issues Cabinet | The cabinet supports the proposal and agrees with the sponsor's rationale. |
Jun 1, 2012: | Submit; Submitted for consideration. |
Jun 14, 2012: | Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports, Recommends Approval as Emergency or Noncontroversial Legislation |
Jun 20, 2012: | Championships/Sports Management Cabinet, Sponsored |
Jun 20, 2012: | Championships/Sports Management Cabinet, Recommends Approval as Emergency or Noncontroversial Legislation |
Jan 16, 2013: | Leg Council Init Review, Not Supported as Emergency or Noncontroversial Legislation; Proposal will be considered as part of the 2013-14 legislative cycle. |
Sep 16, 2013: | Recruiting and Athletics Personnel Issues Cabinet, Recommends Approval |
Jan 15, 2014: | Leg Council Init Review, Tabled |
Apr 15, 2014: | Leg Council Final Review, Amended the Proposal; Amended the proposal to specify that a strength and conditioning coach shall be certified and maintain current certification through a nationally accredited certification program. Previously, the proposal specified that each strength and conditioning coach and any sport coach who conducts a strength and conditioning session is required to maintain strength and conditioning coach certification through a nationally recognized certification program. |
Apr 15, 2014: | Leg Council Final Review, Amended the Proposal; Amended the effective date from August 1, 2014 to August 1, 2015. |
Apr 15, 2014: | Leg Council Final Review, Adopted; Pending Possible Board of Directors Review |
Apr 24, 2014: | Adopted, Override Period; No Action Taken by the Board of Directors |
Apr 25, 2014: | Adopted, Override Period; Start of Override Period |
Jun 23, 2014: | Adopted, Override Period; End of Override Period |
Jun 23, 2014: | Adopted; Adopted - Final |
Legislative References
Division | Number | Title |
I | 11.1 | Conduct of Athletics Personnel. |