Division I Proposal - 2007-22


Status: Adopted Final

Intent: To specify that for violations of the preferential treatment legislation in which the value of the benefit is $100 or less, the eligibility of the individual shall not be affected, conditioned on the individual repaying the value of the benefit to a charity of his or her choice; further, to specify that the individual shall remain ineligible from the time the institution has knowledge of receipt of the impermissible benefit until the individual repays the benefit.

Bylaws: Amend, as follows: Preferential Treatment, Benefits or Services.  Preferential treatment, benefits or services because of the individual's athletics reputation or skill or pay-back potential as a professional athlete, unless such treatment, benefits or services are specifically permitted under NCAA legislation.  For violations of this bylaw in which the value of the benefit is $100 or less, the eligibility of the individual shall not be affected, conditioned on the individual repaying the value of the benefit to a charity of his or her choice.  The individual, however, shall remain ineligible from the time the institution has knowledge of the receipt of the benefit until the individual repays the benefit.  If the violation involves institutional responsibility, it remains an institutional violation per Constitution 2.8.1, and documentation of the individual's repayment shall be forwarded to the enforcement staff.

Source: NCAA Division I Academic/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet (Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement)

Effective Date:Immediate

Proposal Category: Amendment

Topical Area: Amateurism

Rationale: Currently, there are several bylaws for which reinstatement of a student-athlete's eligibility is not necessary if the violation involves a benefit at a value of $100 or less, conditioned on repayment of the value of the benefit. In cases involving preferential treatment, if the value of the benefit is $100 or less, the student-athlete reinstatement staff or the committee only requires repayment and does not withhold the individual from competition. Thus, similar to extra benefit violations, violations of the preferential treatment legislation should require only restitution. For instances in which there is institutional responsibility, the violation remains an institutional violation and must be reported to the enforcement staff.

Estimated Budget Impact: None.

Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): None.


Jun 12, 2007: Submit; Submitted for consideration.
Jun 13, 2007: Academic/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet, Sponsored
Jan 13, 2008: Mgmt Council 1st Review, Approved
Jan 14, 2008: Adopted, Pending Possible Board Review, Adopted
Jan 15, 2008: Adopted, Override Period; Start of Override Period
Mar 14, 2008: Adopted, Override Period; End of Override Period
Mar 14, 2008: Adopted; Adopted - Final

Legislative References

Division Number Title
I Preferential Treatment, Benefits or Services.