Division I Proposal - 2005-77-A


Status: Defeated Final

Intent: In sports other than football, to specify that all recruiting coordination functions shall be performed by a countable coach; further, in all applicable sports, to permit a volunteer coach to engage in such activities, provided the individual has successfully completed the recruiting certification exam.

A.    Bylaws: Amend, as follows:

" Permissible Callers

" Institutional Staff Members -- General RuleIn all sports, institutional staff members may make telephone calls to a prospect [or the prospect's parents or legal guardian(s)] under the provisions of this bylaw. In Divisions I-A and I-AA football, aAll telephone calls to prospective student-athletes (or the prospective student-athletes' parents or legal guardians) must be made by the head coach or one or more of the full-time assistant coaches. In Division I-A football, such telephone calls also may be made by the graduate assistant coach, provided the coach has successfully completed the coaches certification examination per Bylaw

" Exceptions.  The following institutional staff members may make telephone calls to or receive telephone calls from prospective student-athletes (or the prospective student-athletes' parents or legal guardians) as specified:

"(a) President or Chancellor/Director of Athletics.  It is permissible for an institution's president or chancellor and director of athletics to return (as opposed to initiate) telephone calls from football prospective student-athletes (or the prospective student-athletes' parents or legal guardians). Under such circumstances, there are no restrictions on the content of the conversation that may occur during the call; however, any return call is subject to any applicable limitations on the number of telephone calls that an institution may place to football prospective student-athletes.

" (b) Academic Advisors.  It is permissible for academic advisors (including academic advisors within the athletics department) to make calls to or receive calls from football prospective student-athletes (or the prospective student-athletes' parents or legal guardians) related to admissions or academic issues, subject to any applicable limitation on the number of telephone calls an institution may place to prospective student-athletes.

" (c) Compliance Coordinators.  It is permissible for a compliance coordinator to make telephone calls to football prospective student-athletes, provided the calls relate only to compliance issues and such calls occur subsequent to the prospective student-athletes' signing a National Letter of Intent with that institution (or, for those institutions not subscribing to the National Letter of Intent, subsequent to the prospective student-athletes' signed acceptance of the institution's written offer of admission and/or financial aid).

" (d) Noncoaching Staff Members with Football Sport Specific Responsibilities.  It is permissible for a noncoaching staff member with football sport specific responsibilities to initiate and receive telephone calls from football prospective student-athletes, provided the calls relate only to general pre-enrollment administrative issues and such calls occur subsequent to the prospective student-athletes' signing a National Letter of Intent with that institution (or, for those institutions not subscribing to the National Letter of Intent, subsequent to the prospective student-athletes' signed acceptance of the institution's written offer of admission and/or financial aid)."

B.    Bylaws: Amend 11.01.5, as follows:

"11.01.5 Coach, Volunteer. In sports other than football and basketball, a volunteer coach is any coach who does not receive compensation or remuneration from the institution's athletics department or any organization funded in whole or in part by the athletics department or that is involved primarily in the promotion of the institution's athletics program (e.g., booster club, athletics foundation association).  The following provisions shall apply:

[11.01.5-(a) through 1.01.5-(c) unchanged.]

"(d) The individual may perform recruiting coordination functions (see Bylaw, provided the individual has successfully completed the recruiting certification exam per Bylaws 11.5.1 and"

C.    Bylaws: Amend 11.7.1, as follows:

"11.7.1 General Provisions Applicable to All Sports with Numerical Coaching Limits

[ through unchanged.]

" Noncoaching Activities.  Institutional staff members involved in noncoaching activities (e.g., administrative assistants, recruiting coordinators in sports other than football, academic counselors) do not count in the institution's coaching limitations, provided such individuals are not identified as coaches, do not engage in any on- or off- field coaching activities (e.g., attending meetings involving coaching activities, analyzing videotape or film involving the institution's or an opponent's team), and are not involved in any off-campus recruitment of prospects or scouting of opponents."

[ through unchanged.]

" Recruiting Coordination Functions.  All recruiting coordination functions (except routine clerical tasks) must be performed by the head coach, one or more of the full-time assistant coaches or a volunteer coach (provided the volunteer coach has successfully completed the recruiting certification exam per Bylaw 11.5.1 and  Such functions include:

"(a) Activities involving athletics evaluation and/or selection prospects.

"(b) Telephone calls to prospects (or prospects' parents, legal guardians or coaches).

"(c) Preparation of general recruiting correspondence to prospects (or prospects' parents or legal guardians).

" Division I-A Football Graduate-Assistant Coach Exception.  In Division I-A football, a graduate assistant coach may perform the functions set forth in Bylaw on campus only (if the coach has successfully completed the coaches certification examination per Bylaw and, but not those functions set forth in Bylaw   [See Bylaw 11.01.3-(g).]"

D.    Bylaws: Amend, as follows:

" Football Recruiting Coordination Functions. All football recruiting coordination functions (except routine clerical tasks) must be performed by the head coach or one or more of the full-time assistant coaches. Such functions include:

"(a) Activities involving athletics evaluation and/or selection of prospects.

"(b) Telephone calls to prospects (or prospects’ parents or legal guardians or the prospects' coach).

"(c) Preparation of general recruiting correspondence to prospects (or prospects’ parents or legal guardians).

" Graduate-Assistant Coach Exception.  A graduate-assistant coach may perform the functions set forth in Bylaw on campus only (if the coach has successfully completed the coaches certification examination per Bylaws and, but not those functions set forth in Bylaw  [See Bylaw 11.01.3-(g).]"

E.    Bylaws: Amend, as follows:

" Football Recruiting Coordination Functions. All football recruiting coordination functions (except routine clerical tasks) must be performed by the head coach or one or more of the full-time assistant coaches. Such functions include:

"(a) Activities involving athletics evaluation and/or selection of prospects.

"(b) Telephone calls to prospects (or prospects' parents or legal guardians or the prospects' high-school coach).

"(c) Preparation of general recruiting correspondence to prospects (or prospects' parents or legal guardians)."

Source: NCAA Division I Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet (Subcommittee on Recruiting) (Men's Basketball Issues Committee) (Women's Basketball Issues Committee).

Effective Date:August 1, 2006

Proposal Category: Amendment

Topical Area: Athletics Personnel

Rationale: This proposal is designed to address concerns related to the proliferation of noncoaching personnel and promote equity and consistency in the recruiting process. The rule currently exists in football.

Estimated Budget Impact: None.

Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): None.

Position Statement(s):

Women's Ice Hockey Committee The Women's Basketball Issues Committee took no formal position on this proposal as the committee had many questions regarding the application of the proposal as written. The committee recommends that the Subcommittee on Recruiting of the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet seek to provide more definition and direction regarding the parameters of the legislation.
Men's Basketball Issues Committee The Men's Basketball Issues Committee supports Proposal No. 2005-77. The committee agreed that recruiting coordination should be performed by countable coaches, but noted the need to clearly address specific duties that must be performed by countable coaches and those that could be performed by staff members associated with the men's basketball program who do not count in the coaching limits (e.g., director of basketball operations).


Jun 2, 2005: Submit; Submitted for consideration.
Jun 3, 2005: Academic/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet, Recommends Approval
Aug 15, 2005: Men's Basketball Issues Committee, Recommends Approval; See position statement.
Aug 17, 2005: Women's Ice Hockey Committee; No formal position. See position statement.
Oct 12, 2005: Proposal renumbered as Proposal No. 2005-77-A. An alternative is Proposal No. 2005-77-B.
Jan 8, 2006: Mgmt Council 1st Review; Defeated a motion to forward the proposal to the membership for review and comment without taking a formal position of support or opposition. - (Yea=24, Nay=26, Abstain=null, Not Present=1)
Jan 8, 2006: Mgmt Council 1st Review, Defeated; Defeated a motion to initially approve the proposal. - (Yea=22, Nay=28, Abstain=null, Not Present=1)
Jan 8, 2006: Defeated; Defeated - Final

Legislative References

Division Number Title
I 11.01.6 Coach, Volunteer.
I 11.7 Limitations on the Number and Duties of Coaches and Noncoaching Staff Members.
I 11.7.1 Designation of Coaching Category.
I 11.7.5 Championship Subdivision Football.
I Permissible Callers.
I Institutional Coaching Staff Members -- General Rule.
I Exceptions -- Before Commitment.