Division I Proposal - 2004-121


Status: Defeated Final

Intent: In men's basketball, to specify that the head men's coach must annually develop an individual personal growth plan with each student-athlete using community and institutional resources; further, to require the coach to periodically meet with each student-athlete to ensure that appropriate progress is being made toward the objectives set forth in the student-athlete's personal growth plan.

Bylaws: Amend 16.3.1 by adding new, as follows:

"16.3.1 Mandatory

[ through unchanged.]

" Mentoring Activities -- Men's Basketball.  In men's basketball, the head men's basketball coach shall be required to annually develop an individual personal growth plan with each student-athlete using both community and institutional resources.  The coach shall periodically meet with each student-athlete to ensure that appropriate progress is being made toward the objectives set forth in the student-athlete's personal growth plan."

Source: NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Issues Committee (Developed by the National Association of Basketball Coaches and introduced by the NCAA Division I Management Council to assess membership comment without taking a position on the merits of the proposal.).

Effective Date:August 1, 2005

Proposal Category: Amendment

Topical Area: Awards, Benefits and Expenses

Rationale: The proposed recommendation is part of a package of proposals to permit coaches greater access with their student-athletes in an effort to foster the player/coach relationship both inside and outside the athletics arena. This proposal will identify the role of the head coach as both a teacher and a mentor. The mandatory mentoring activities will emphasize the responsibilities of the head coach to assist in the development of the student-athlete as a whole person, not just the development of a basketball player. The program will allow for a more personal, one-on-one relationship outside of the athletics arena between the head coach and the student-athlete, thus promoting the personal growth of the student-athlete and strengthening the relationship between the coach and the student-athlete. This positive relationship should enhance the efforts to retain the student-athlete for the duration of his collegiate career and promote academic responsibility, success and graduation.

Estimated Budget Impact: Minimal.

Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): Variable; however, no additional time will be devoted to athletically related activities.

Position Statement(s):

Men's Basketball Issues Committee The committee supports the recommendations developed by the National Association of Basketball Coaches Special Committee on Recruiting and Access. It supports the concept that a model that provides for a more structured environment with greater access between coaches and men's basketball student-athletes on a year-round basis will prove more beneficial to the well-being of the men's basketball student-athlete, without compromising the laudable goals of maintaining competitive equity in allowing student-athletes necessary time to more fully enjoy the collegiate experience. The committee supports the concept of increased access as a meaningful way to change the current environment in men's basketball and supports increased responsibility on the head coach to develop the student-athletes as a total individual, both as a student-athlete who will contribute to the team and as a student who will succeed academically and socially. The committee believes that increased access and required interaction in nonathletically related activities should assist in the creation of a more positive player/coach relationship and should result in increased retention rates and higher graduation rates. It noted steps currently being taken by the coaching community to promote and monitor ethical conduct among its constituency, including the establishment of a code of ethics, an ethics committee and a professional development program. The committee believes that the trust necessary for the success of this new model is being developed and can be enhanced amongst the Division I community and that these efforts, over time, will improve the public perception of the environment surrounding Division I men's basketball.
Academic/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet The cabinet takes no position on this proposal. Although it supports the concept of mentor/mentee relationship between a coach and a student-athlete, it does not believe that it should be a legislated requirement.


Jul 28, 2004: Submit; Submitted for consideration.
Sep 9, 2004: Men's Basketball Issues Committee, Recommends Approval; See position statement.
Sep 15, 2004: Academic/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet; See position statement.
Jan 9, 2005: Mgmt Council 1st Review, Defeated - (Yea=4, Nay=42, Abstain=2, Not Present=4)
Jan 9, 2005: Defeated; Defeated - Final

Legislative References

Division Number Title
I 16.3.1 Mandatory.