Division I Proposal - 2022-38


Status: Adopted Final

Intent: To add women's stunt as an emerging sport for women and establish legislation related to athletics personnel, financial aid, playing and practice seasons and membership, as specified.

A.    Bylaws: Amend 20, as follows:

20 Division Membership

[20.01 unchanged.]

20.02 Definitions and Applications.

[20.02.1 through 20.02.6 unchanged.]

20.02.7 Emerging Sports for Women. The following shall be considered emerging sports for women and countable for purposes of revenue distribution (for sports sponsorship and grants-in-aid):

(a) Team Sports: acrobatics and tumbling, and rugby and stunt; and

(b) Individual Sports: equestrian, triathlon and wrestling.

[ through unchanged.]

[20.02.8 through 20.02.10 unchanged.]

[20.1 through 20.9 unchanged.]

20.10 Division I Membership.

[20.10.1 through 20.10.5 unchanged.]

20.10.6 Sports Sponsorship. A member institution shall sponsor teams in a minimum of:

[20.10.6-(a) through 20.10.6-(b) unchanged.]

[ through unchanged.] Minimum Contests and Participants Requirements for Sports Sponsorship. In each sport, the institution's team shall engage in at least a minimum number of intercollegiate contests (against four-year, degree-granting collegiate institutions) each year. In the individual sports and women's rowing, the institution's team shall include a minimum number of participants in each contest that is counted toward meeting the minimum-contests requirement. The following minimums are applicable:

Team Sports Minimum Contests Minimum Participants
Women's Stunt 8 16
[All other sports unchanged.]

(Note: The minimum-contest requirements set forth in Bylaws through apply only to the provisions of this section and do not apply to minimum-contest requirements in Bylaw 17.)

[ through unchanged.]

[20.10.7 through 20.10.10 unchanged.]

B.    Bylaws: Amend 11, as follows:

11 Conduct and Employment of Athletics Personnel

[11.01 through 11.6 unchanged.]

11.7 Limitations on the Number and Duties of Coaches and Noncoaching Staff Members.

[11.7.1 through 11.7.5 unchanged.]

11.7.6 Limitations on Number of Coaches and Off-Campus Recruiters. There shall be a limit on the number of coaches (other than graduate assistant coaches per Bylaw 11.01.3 and 11.01.4, student assistant coaches per Bylaw 11.01.5 and volunteer coaches per Bylaw 11.01.6) who may be employed by an institution and who may contact or evaluate prospective student-athletes off campus in each sport as follows:

Sport Limit
Women's Stunt 4

[All other sports unchanged.]

[ through unchanged.]

C.    Bylaws: Amend 15.5.3, as follows:

15.5.3 Equivalency Sports. Maximum Equivalency Limits.

[ unchanged.] Women's Sports. There shall be a limit on the value (equivalency) of financial aid awards (per Bylaw that an institution may provide in any academic year to counters in the following women's sports:

[All other sports unchanged.]

Stunt 9

[ through unchanged.]

[ unchanged.]

D.    Bylaws: Amend 17, as follows:

17 Playing and Practice Seasons

[17.01 through 17.02 unchanged.]

17.02.18 Varsity Intercollegiate Sport. A varsity intercollegiate sport is a sport that has been accorded that status by the institution's president or chancellor or committee responsible for intercollegiate athletics policy and that satisfies the following conditions:

[17.02.18-(a) through 17.02.18-(c) unchanged.] Team Sports. The following are classified as team sports for purposes of this bylaw:

Women's Acrobatics and Tumbling Football Soccer
Baseball Ice Hockey Softball
Basketball Lacrosse Women's Stunt
Women's Beach Volleyball Women's Rowing Volleyball
Field Hockey Women's Rugby Water Polo

[ unchanged.]

[17.02.19 through 17.02.20 unchanged.]

[17.1 through 17.21 unchanged.]

17.22 Women's Stunt. Regulation for computing the women's stunt playing season are set forth in Bylaw 17.1. (See Figure 17-1 and Figure 17-2.)

17.22.1 Length of Playing Season. The length of an institution's playing season in women's stunt shall be limited to a 144-day season, which may consist of two segments (each consisting of consecutive days) and which may exclude only required days per Bylaw official vacation, holiday and final-examination periods during which no practice or competition shall occur.

17.22.2 Preseason Practice. An institution shall not commence practice sessions in women's stunt prior to the institution's first day of classes for the fall term.

17.22.3 First Date of Competition. An institution shall not engage in its first date of competition with outside competition in women's stunt prior to February 1.

17.22.4 End of Regular Playing Season. An institution shall conclude all practice and competition in women's stunt by the conclusion of the College Stunt Association National Championship.

17.22.5 Number of Dates of Competition. Maximum Limitations -- Institutional. An institution shall limit its total playing schedule with outside competition in women's stunt during the playing season to 16 dates of competition, except for those dates of competition, except for those dates of competition excluded under Bylaw and In-Season Foreign Competition. An institution may play one or more of its countable dates of competition in women's stunt in one or more foreign countries on one trip during the prescribed playing season. However, except for contests played in Canada and Mexico or on a certified foreign tour (see Bylaw 17.29), the institution may not engage in such in-season foreign competition more than once every four years. Maximum Limitations -- Student-Athlete. An individual student-athlete may participate in each academic year in not more than 16 dates of competition (this limitation includes those dates of competition in which the student-athlete represents the institution in accordance with Bylaw 17.02.8, including competition as a member of the varsity team of the institution). Annual Exemptions. The maximum number of dates of competition in women's stunt shall exclude the following:

(a) Conference Championship. Competition in one conference championship;

(b) Season-Ending Event. Competition in one season-ending event. A season-ending tournament involves competition after the end of the regular season between teams that are not identified until the close of the regular season;

(c) Alumni Contest. One date of competition each year against an alumni team of the institution.

(d) Foreign Team in the United States. One date of competition each year with a foreign opponent in the United States;

(e) Fundraising Activity. Any stunt activities in which student-athletes from more than one of the institution's athletics teams participate with and against alumni and friends of the institution, the purpose of which is to raise funds for the benefits of the institution's athletics or other programs; provided the student-athletes do not miss class as a result of their participation (see Bylaw;

(f) Celebrity Sports Activity. Competition involving a limit of two student-athletes from the institution's women's stunt team who participate in local celebrity stunt activities conducted for the purpose of raising funds for charitable organizations, provided:

(1) The student-athletes do not miss classes as a result of the participation.

(2) The involvement of the student-athletes has the approval of the institution's athletics director; and

(3) The activity takes place within a 30-mile radius of the institution's main campus.

(g) U.S. National Team. One date of competition against any team as selected and designated by the appropriate national governing body for stunt as a U.S. national team; and

(h) Hawaii, Alaska or Puerto Rico. Any dates of competition conducted in Hawaii, Alaska or Puerto Rico, respectively, either against or under the sponsorship of an active Division I institution located in Hawaii, Alaska or Puerto Rico, by a member located outside these locales. Once-in-Four-Years Exemption -- Foreign Tour. An institution may not exempt more than one foreign tour from its maximum number of dates of competition in women's stunt during any academic year and may not repeat participation in a foreign tour within a four-year period. The tour shall be conducted by the institution in accordance with the procedures set forth in Bylaw 17.30.

17.22.6 Out-of-Season Athletically Related Activities. Student-athletes and members of the coaching staff shall not engage in countable athletically related activities outside the institution's declared playing season per Bylaw 17.2.1 except as permitted in Bylaw Summer Practice. Practice that is organized or financially supported by an institution shall be prohibited during the summer unless specifically authorized in the bylaws (e.g., foreign tour) or through official interpretations. An institution may pay fees associated with the use of institutional practice and competition facilities by student-athletes engaged in voluntary athletically related activities in their sport. Vacation-Period and Summer Workout Exception. A coach may participate in individual workout sessions with student-athletes from the coach's team during any institutional vacation period and/or the summer, provided the request for the assistance is initiated by the student-athlete. 

17.22.7 Safety Exception. A coach may be present during voluntary workouts in the institution's regular practice facility (without the workouts being considered as countable  athletically related activities) when a student-athlete is engaged in individual skill work. The coach may provide safety or skill instruction but may not conduct the individual's workouts. 

17.22.8 Camps and Clinics. There are no limits on the number of student-athletes in women's stunt who may be employed (e.g., as camp counselors) in camps or clinics (see Bylaw 13.12). Currently enrolled student-athletes may not participate as campers in their  institution's camps or clinics. 

17.22.9 Other Restrictions. Noncollegiate, Amateur Competition. During Academic Year. A student-athlete in women's stunt who participates during the academic year as a member of any outside stunt team in any noncollegiate, amateur competition (e.g., tournament, exhibition meets or other activity) except while representing the institution in intercollegiate women's stunt competition shall be ineligible for intercollegiate stunt competition unless eligibility is restored by the Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement (see Bylaw 17.32.3 for exceptions). Vacation-Period Exception. A student-athlete in women's stunt may compete outside the institution's declared playing and  practice season as a member of an outside team in any noncollegiate, amateur competition during any official vacation period published in the  institution's catalog. There are no limitations on the number of student-athletes from any one institution who may compete on an outside amateur stunt team. Out of Season. There are no limits on the number of student-athletes from the same institution with eligibility remaining in intercollegiate women's stunt who may practice or compete out of season on an outside, amateur stunt team (competition on an outside team is permitted only during the summer except as provided in Bylaw Involvement of Coaching Staff. No member of the coaching staff of an institution may be involved in any capacity (e.g., coach, official, player or league/team administrator) during the academic year (including vacation periods during the academic year) with an outside team that involves any student-athlete with eligibility remaining from the institution's women's stunt team except as provided under Bylaws, 17.30 and 17.32.3. Olympic and National Team Development Program. There are no limits on the number of student-athletes from the same institution who may participate in Olympic and national team development programs. Such programs may also include a coach and student-athlete from the same institution, provided: 

(a) The national governing body conducts and administers the development program;

(b) The national governing body selects coaches involved in the development program; and 

(c) A committee or other authority of the national governing body, which is not limited to coaches affiliated with one particular institution, selects the involved participants. Equipment Issues, Squad Pictures. No limitations.

[17.22 through 17.33 renumbered as 17.23 through 17.34, unchanged.]

Source: NCAA Division I Council (Strategic Vision and Planning Committee) (Committee on Women's Athletics)

Effective Date:August 1, 2023

Proposal Category: Amendment

Topical Area: Division Membership

Rationale: The continued growth in high school stunt sponsorship and participation, steady increase in the number of member institutions sponsoring stunt, and support from the sport's national governing body form the basis of a compelling rationale to include stunt as an emerging sport for women. The opportunity for the sport to enrich enrollment management strategies of sponsoring institutions, as well as participation opportunities for female student-athletes, female sport administrators, coaches and officials also support adoption of this proposal.

Division I Commitment addressed by proposal: The Commitment to Student-Athlete Well-Being.

Is the proposal consequential or nationally significant?: Yes. Establishing an emerging sport for women is nationally significant.

Is the proposal enforceable and how do the merits outweigh monitoring burdens?: Yes. Any monitoring burdens are outweighed by the opportunities provided.

How does the proposal support student-athlete success/well-being?: This proposal would expand opportunities for women to participate as student-athletes.

Estimated Budget Impact: Dependent on institutional decisions related to sponsorship.

Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): Dependent on institutional decisions related to sponsorship.


Nov 14, 2022: In Progress
Jan 11, 2023: Referred Referred to the Committee on Women's Athletics.
Feb 14, 2023: Ready for Vote The Committee on Women's Athletics recommends that the Council consider the proposal for a vote during the April Council meeting.
Apr 13, 2023: Adopted by Council
Apr 26, 2023: No Board Action
Apr 26, 2023: Rescission Period
Jun 24, 2023: Adopted Final

Legislative References

Division Number Title
I 11 Conduct and Employment of Athletics Personnel
I 11.7 Limitations on the Number and Duties of Coaches and Noncoaching Staff Members.
I 11.7.6 Limitations on Number of Coaches and Off-Campus Recruiters.
I 15.5.3 Equivalency Sports.
I Maximum Equivalency Limits.
I Women's Sports.
I 17 Playing and Practice Seasons
I 17.02.18 Varsity Intercollegiate Sport.
I Team Sports.
I 17.22 Women's Stunt.
I 17.22.1 Length of Playing Season.
I 17.22.2 Preseason Practice.
I 17.22.3 First Date of Competition.
I 17.22.4 End of Regular Playing Season.
I 17.22.5 Number of Dates of Competition.
I Maximum Limitations -- Institutional.
I In-Season Foreign Competition.
I Maximum Limitations -- Student-Athlete.
I Annual Exemptions.
I Once-in-Four-Years Exemption -- Foreign Tour.
I 17.22.6 Out-of-Season Athletically Related Activities.
I Summer Practice.
I Vacation-Period and Summer Workout Exception.
I 17.22.7 Safety Exception.
I 17.22.8 Camps and Clinics.
I 17.22.9 Other Restrictions.
I Noncollegiate, Amateur Competition.
I During Academic Year.
I Vacation-Period Exception.
I Out of Season.
I Involvement of Coaching Staff.
I Olympic and National Team Development Program.
I Equipment Issues, Squad Pictures.
I 20 Division Membership
I 20.02 Definitions and Applications.
I 20.02.7 Emerging Sports for Women.
I 20.10 Division I Membership.
I 20.10.6 Sports Sponsorship.
I Minimum Contests and Participants Requirements for Sports Sponsorship.