Status: Defeated Final
Intent: To remove men's wrestling from the tryout exception that permits an institution's athletics department staff member to participate in recognized state, regional, national or international training programs or competition organized and administered by the applicable governing body that include prospective student-athletes.
Bylaws: Amend 13.11.3, as follows:
13.11.3 Tryout Exceptions.
[ through unchanged.] State, Regional, National or International Training Programs -- Sports Other Than Men's Wrestling. Participation In sports other than men's wrestling, participation by an institution's athletics department staff member in recognized state, regional, national or international training programs or competition organized and administered by the applicable governing body shall not be considered tryouts, provided the athletics department staff member is selected by the applicable governing body and the participants are selected by an authority or a committee of the applicable governing body that is not limited to athletics department staff members affiliated with one institution. A member institution's coaching staff member may not participate only in noncoaching activities (e.g., consultant, on-site coordinator, participant selection), except as provided in Bylaws, and [D]
[ through unchanged.]
[ through unchanged.]
Source: Mid-American Conference and Southern Conference
Effective Date:August 1, 2022
Proposal Category: Amendment
Topical Area: Recruiting
Rationale: In recent years Division I men's wrestling coaches have seen the focus of USA Wrestling regional training centers shift from the development of enrolled students for national and international competitions to the recruitment of prospective student-athletes. Institutions hosting USA Wrestling regional training centers are provided additional access to prospective student-athletes in a difficult to regulate environment. This proposal would negate the recruiting advantage currently held by institutions hosting regional training centers, lessen monitoring burdens on the host institution's compliance staff and allow institutional staff members involved with regional training centers to focus their attention on the development of current student-athletes.
Division I Commitment addressed by proposal: The Commitment to Integrity and Sportsmanship.
Is the proposal consequential or nationally significant?: Yes. This proposal is nationally significant as it has substantial impact on all institutions that sponsor men's wrestling.
Is the proposal enforceable and how do the merits outweigh monitoring burdens?: Yes. This proposal would lessen the monitoring burdens on institutions as prospective student-athletes would no longer be permitted to participate in regional training centers.
How does the proposal support student-athlete success/well-being?: This proposal would strengthen student-athlete success as it would allow institutional staff members involved with regional training centers to focus their attention on current student-athletes.
Estimated Budget Impact: None.
Impact on Student-Athlete's Time (Academic and/or Athletics): None.
Position Statement(s):
Student-Athlete Experience Committee | Supports | |
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee | Supports | |
Legislative Committee | Recommends Tabling | |
Olympic Sports Liaison Committee | Supports |
Jul 15, 2019: | Submitted to National Office | |
Nov 15, 2019: | In Progress | |
Feb 7, 2020: | Ready for Vote | |
Apr 1, 2020: | Tabled | Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council tabled the proposals that remained in the 2019-20 legislative cycle. |
Jul 1, 2021: | In Progress | The Council moved the remaining tabled proposals from the 2019-20 legislative cycle to the 2021-22 legislative cycle. |
Feb 7, 2022: | Ready for Vote | |
Mar 28, 2022: | Ready for Vote | Proposal edited to clarify that it only applies to men's wrestling. |
Apr 13, 2022: | Tabled | Tabled based on the pending work of the Transformation Committee. |
Apr 13, 2023: | Defeated Final | Based on application of the sunset provision. |
Legislative References
Division | Number | Title |
I | 13.11.3 | Tryout Exceptions. |
I | | State, Regional, National or International Training Programs. |