Bylaw Prior to Initial, Full-Time Collegiate Enrollment -- Institutional Nonathletics Aid. The following conditions apply to the awarding of institutional nonathletics financial aid to a prospective student-athlete to attend an institution in the summer prior to the prospective student-athlete's initial, full-time collegiate enrollment: [D] (Revised: 1/10/90, 1/10/92, 4/26/01, 3/10/04, 4/29/04, 1/10/05 effective 5/1/05, 3/4/05, 1/15/11 effective 8/1/11, 1/14/12, 1/18/14 effective 8/1/14)

(a) The recipient shall be admitted to the awarding member institution in accordance with regular, published entrance requirements;

(b) The recipient, if recruited (per Bylaw 15.02.9), is subject to NCAA transfer provisions pursuant to Bylaw 14.5.2-(f); and

(c) During the summer term or orientation period, the recipient shall not engage in any countable athletically related activities except for those activities specifically permitted in Bylaws 13 and 17 (see Bylaws, 17.1.1 and