20.02.7 Emerging Sports for Women. The following shall be considered emerging sports for women and countable for purposes of revenue distribution (for sports sponsorship and grants-in-aid): (Adopted: 1/11/94 effective 9/1/94, Revised: 4/15/97, 1/12/99 effective 8/1/99, 4/27/00 effective 8/1/00, 4/25/02, 4/24/03 effective 8/1/03, 1/17/09 effective 8/1/09, 4/30/09, 1/16/10 effective 8/1/11, 1/15/11 effective 8/1/11, 1/18/14 effective 8/1/14, 10/30/14 effective 8/1/15, 6/23/20 effective 8/1/20, 4/26/23 effective 8/1/23)
(a) Team Sports: acrobatics and tumbling, rugby and stunt; and
(b) Individual Sports: equestrian, triathlon and wrestling.