High School Portal
Not Approved Reason Code Descriptions
RC1 The course does not meet a graduation requirement in one of the specified core areas. (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, nondoctrinal religion/philosophy)
RC2 The course does not meet the definition of a core course.
RC3 The course contains significant personal-service components.
RC4 The course does not meet requirements for a nontraditional course.
RC5 The course is considered doctrinal in nature.
RC6 The course has significant vocational components.
RC7 The course is not considered substantially comparable, qualitatively and quantitatively, to a regular core course offered in the academic area.
RC8 The course needs additional information. Please submit core course documentation for review.
RC9 Course on hold; assigned task and pending completion.
RC10 The course is not taught at the level of Algebra I or higher.
RC11 The course is taught below the regular academic level.
RC12 The course is not considered four-year college preparatory
RC14 The course does not meet the requirements for ESL or SOL courses.
RC16 The course is submitted in the wrong academic core area.
RC17 The course does not meet NCAA core-course criteria.
RC20 The course does not appear in school's or district's course catalog.
RC21 After evaluation of documentation provided: the course is taught below the regular academic level.
RC22 After evaluation of documentation provided: the course is not considered four-year college preparatory.
RC25 After evaluation of documentation provided: the course is doctrinal in nature.
RC27 After evaluation of documentation provided: the course does not meet NCAA core-course criteria.
RC28 This course is denied due to incomplete information.