Basketball Certification


As an Athlete Registrant, you attest that:

  • some or all of the information I submit may be viewed, accessed, and used by other registered users of the BBCS, including event operators and coaches.
  • it is my responsibility to keep the contact information on my NCAA ECAG user account up-to-date and to whitelist to avoid messages from the NCAA being lost or flagged as junk/spam. I agree that the NCAA is not responsible if it is unable to contact me as a result of my failure to provide correct, accurate, and complete information or due to my email provider diverting messages from my inbox.
  • the information provided herein is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • I am at least eighteen (18) years of age, am the parent or legal guardian of any minor(s) for whom I am submitting information, and have the right to submit such information on behalf of the minor(s).

As an Adult Registrant, you attest that:

  • as a participant in an NCAA-certified event, I agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions established by the NCAA and made available to me, via the NCAA Basketball Certification System (BBCS),, or otherwise, and that such terms and conditions shall have immediate effect upon my eligibility to participate in NCAA-certified events and leagues.
  • as a participant in an NCAA-certified event, I agree to cooperate with the NCAA in connection with its investigation and analysis of possible NCAA rules violations, even if the violations are unrelated to basketball certification rules and guidelines. I acknowledge that I have read the provisions of Adverse Actions Guidelines and am aware of applicable penalties for the provision of false and misleading information to the NCAA.
  • it is my responsibility to keep the contact information on my NCAA ECAG user account up-to-date and to whitelist to avoid messages from the NCAA being lost or flagged as junk/spam. I agree that the NCAA is not responsible if it is unable to contact me as a result of my failure to provide correct, accurate, and complete information or due to my email provider diverting messages from my inbox.
  • the information provided herein is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • I will be held accountable for all information made available to me, via the NCAA Basketball Certification System (BBCS),, or otherwise. My failure to adhere to these requirements may result in my denial of present and/or future certification from the NCAA.
  • if someone NOT identified as NCAA eligible in the BBCS participates in coaching activities with my team (even if done from the stands or via text), I may lose my ability to coach in an NCAA-certified event for a period of up to 5 years.
  • any individual who participates in coaching activities or sits on the bench with my team is required to be identified as NCAA eligible in the NCAA Basketball Certification System (BBCS) (USAB License + NCAA compliant).
  • I have read the applicable NCAA legislation and certification guidelines and I agree to operate my team/organization in accordance with the applicable requirements. I understand that failure to adhere to the NCAA legislation and guidelines may result in the withdrawal of present, and/or denial of future, eligibility to participate in NCAA-certified events.
  • I agree to ensure that NO prospective student-athlete (PSA) participates in more than 14 hours of athletically related activity per week while participating with my team/organization;
  • a prospective student-athlete (PSA) participating with my organization in NCAA-certified events CANNOT participate in more than two games on any one day and as a coach, I am responsible for making sure that the PSAs on my team are compliant (even if participating on multiple teams).
  • I am responsible for making sure that all of the athletes on my team(s) comply with the NCAA residency requirements (i.e adjoining state rule, permissible address of residence, etc.), are compliant with one of the exceptions outlined in the guidelines posted online or have been granted a residency exception.
  • I have read the applicable NCAA legislation and certification guidelines and I agree to participate in accordance with the applicable requirements.
  • I understand that the NCAA will strictly enforce all deadlines.
  • that I will not distribute, reproduce, republish, display, modify, transmit, reuse, repost, link to, or use any information or data from or relating to a prospective student-athlete ("PSA") provided or otherwise made available to me for any purpose; except that if I am an event operator, I may do so for the limited purpose of creating an information packet to be provided or made available to NCAA coaches attending my event.
  • in order to participate in NCAA-certified events/leagues, I am required to obtain a USA Basketball Gold License and hereby consent that the NCAA may share such information and data with USA Basketball. Further, all applicants and licensed coaches of USA Basketball's Gold License program will become active under the NCAAź community portal on Users may detach from this affiliation at any time through their community dashboard functions.
  • I have reviewed all BBCS attestations, have completed all training required by ECAG, and further attest to compliance with ECAG Basketball Certification requirements.

As a Team/Organization CEO or Primary Business Officer Registrant, you attest that:

  • it is my responsibility to keep the contact information on my NCAA ECAG user account up-to-date and to whitelist to avoid messages from the NCAA being lost or flagged as junk/spam. I agree that the NCAA is not responsible if it is unable to contact me as a result of my failure to provide correct, accurate, and complete information or due to my email provider diverting messages from my inbox.
  • the information provided herein is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

As an NCAA-certified coach, you are responsible for each of the following:

  • I am the person who has ultimate responsibility for implementing the decisions of the team/team organization?s governing body, or for supervising the management, administration, or operation of this team/team organization and duly authorized to complete this registration, accept ultimate responsibility for non-compliance and make the attestations required by ECAG.
  • team eligibility is granted based on the information submitted in the BBCS and that I am responsible for reporting to the NCAA all changes to such information that may occur after initially submitted. My failure to notify the NCAA of any changes may result in my withdrawal of present, and/or denial of future, eligibility to participate in NCAA-certified events.
  • I understand that the NCAA will strictly enforce all deadlines.
  • to the best of my knowledge, all the information/disclosures submitted are accurate and acknowledge that if any information, financial interests or transactions are not disclosed or inaccurate, your team(s)/organization of team(s) may be rendered ineligible for participation in NCAA-certified events.
  • I am financially responsible for my team(s), am responsible for submitting financial disclosures when the season is over and understand that failure to do so may impact my team's eligibility the following year.
  • I agree to maintain complete and accurate financial records, which include without limitation general ledgers, contracts, payments, receipts, records of in-kind donations, sales records, bank statements, loans, IRS filings, governmental disclosures, detailed list(s) of all related entities (i.e. companies any of the team's coaches, directors and officers have control or ownership in) for a period of at least 7 years following the nonscholastic basketball season.
  • I agree to provide the NCAA or a 3rd party working on behalf of the NCAA all financial records requested.
  • I agree to be subject to audit by the NCAA or a 3rd party working on behalf of the NCAA.
  • to the best of my knowledge, all the information/disclosures submitted are accurate and acknowledge that if any information, financial interests or transactions are not disclosed or inaccurate, your team(s)/organization of team(s) may be rendered ineligible for participation in NCAA-certified events.

By operating a certified event, you attest that:

  • I am the person who has ultimate responsibility for implementing the decisions of the organization?s governing body, or for supervising the management, administration, or operation of this event and duly authorized to complete this registration, accept ultimate responsibility for non-compliance and make the attestations required by ECAG in the BBCS.
  • if ANY information supplied on this application changes (facilities, schedule adjustments, cancellation, etc.), I will notify ECAG in writing immediately and acknowledge understanding that the failure to provide such notice at least 48 hours in advance of the start of the event/league will result in the denial of future certification.
  • I understand that the NCAA will strictly enforce all deadlines.
  • I agree to be subject to audit by the NCAA or a 3rd party working on behalf of the NCAA.
  • I agree to provide the NCAA or a 3rd party working on behalf of the NCAA all financial records requested.
  • I agree to maintain complete and accurate financial records, which include without limitation: general ledgers, contracts, agreements, payments, receipts, records of in-kind donations, sales records, bank statements, loans, tax returns, IRS filings, governmental disclosures, detailed list(s) of my business and all related entities (i.e. companies any of the event operators directors and officers have control or ownership in), for a period of at least 7 years following the event.
  • I agree to provide NCAA-coaches in attendance at my event the ability to be separated from prospective student-athletes (PSAs) and individuals associated with a prospective student-athlete (IAWP) (parents, high school coaches, nonscholastic coaches, scouting services, etc.) in every way possible (at minimum, separate seating).
  • it is my responsibility to require ALL teams participating in my event to have a roster in the BBCS that is connected/linked to my event and that only prospective student-athletes (PSAs) and coaches identified on that roster are permitted to participate in my event.
  • I agree not to distribute, reproduce, republish, display, modify, transmit, reuse, repost, link to, or use any information or data from or relating to a prospective student-athlete ("PSA") provided or otherwise made available to me for any purpose; except that if I am an event operator, I may do so for the limited purpose of creating an information packet to be provided or made available to NCAA coaches attending my event.
  • ALL individuals who participate in coaching activities (even if done from the stands or via text), sit on the bench with a team, provide instruction or run skills and drills at my event are identified as NCAA eligible in the NCAA Basketball Certification System (BBCS) (USAB Gold License + NCAA compliant). Further, I understand that if someone NOT identified as NCAA eligible in the BBCS participates in my event (even if done from the stands or via text), I may lose my ability to coach in or operate an NCAA-certified event/league for a period of up to 5 years.
  • it is my responsibility to identify ALL individuals who participated in coaching activities, sit on the bench with a team, provide instruction or run skills and drills at my event to the NCAA as part of my post-event review form.
  • it is my responsibility to ensure that NO prospective student-athlete (PSA) participating in my event participates in more than two games on any one day (even if participating on multiple teams).
  • NO prospective student-athlete (PSA) participates in more than 14 hours of athletically related activity per week while participating in my event;
  • all teams that participate in my event are compliant with the NCAA residency requirements (i.e adjoining state rule, permissible address of residence, etc.), are compliant with one of the exceptions outlined in the guidelines posted online or have been granted a residency exception.
  • it is my responsibility to identify ALL PSAs who participate in my event to the NCAA as part of my post-event review form.
  • I have read the applicable NCAA legislation and certification guidelines and I agree to operate my event/league in accordance with the applicable requirements. I understand that failure to adhere to the NCAA legislation and guidelines may result in the withdrawal of present, and/or denial of future, certification.
  • as an operator of an NCAA-certified event/league, I agree to cooperate with the NCAA in connection with its investigation and analysis of possible NCAA rules violations, even if the violations are unrelated to basketball certification or scouting service rules and guidelines. I acknowledge that I have read the provisions of Adverse Actions Guidelines and am aware of applicable penalties for the provision of false and misleading information to the NCAA.
  • I agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions established by the NCAA and made available to me, via the NCAA Basketball Certification System (BBCS),, or otherwise, and that such terms and conditions shall have immediate effect upon my eligibility to operate NCAA-certified events and leagues.
  • to the best of my knowledge, all of the information/disclosures submitted are accurate and acknowledge that ECAG may withdraw certification or prescribe other potential future penalties assigned to the Event Operator or affiliated parties if any information, financial interests or transactions are not disclosed or inaccurate.
  • I have reviewed all BBCS attestations, have completed all training required by ECAG, and further attest to compliance with ECAG Basketball Certification requirements.

By operating a certified league, you attest that:

  • the information provided herein is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • If ANY information supplied on this application changes (facilities, schedule adjustments, cancellation, etc.), I will notify ECAG in writing immediately. I understand that the failure to provide such notice at least 24 hours in advance of the start of the event/league will result in the denial of future certification.
  • it is my responsibility to keep the contact information on my NCAA ECAG user account up-to-date and to whitelist to avoid messages from the NCAA being lost or flagged as junk/spam. I agree that the NCAA is not responsible if it is unable to contact me as a result of my failure to provide correct, accurate, and complete information or due to my email provider diverting messages from my inbox.
  • I understand that the NCAA will strictly enforce all deadlines.
  • I have read the applicable NCAA legislation and certification guidelines and I agree to operate my event/league in accordance with the applicable requirements. I understand that failure to adhere to the NCAA legislation and guidelines may result in the withdrawal of present, and/or denial of future, certification.
  • I agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions established by the NCAA and made available to me, via the NCAA Basketball Certification System (BBCS),, or otherwise, and that such terms and conditions shall have immediate effect upon my eligibility to operate NCAA-certified events and leagues.
  • I agree to cooperate with the NCAA in connection with its investigation and analysis of possible NCAA rules violations, even if the violations are unrelated to basketball certification or scouting service rules and guidelines. I acknowledge that I have read the provisions of Adverse Actions Guidelines and am aware of applicable penalties for the provision of false and misleading information to the NCAA.
  • All currently enrolled Division I student-athletes (SAs) participating in my league have an official residence in the state in which the league is conducted, or must have previously attended an institution within 100 air miles of the league's location;
  • No team's roster includes more than two (2) basketball SAs with remaining eligibility from the same two-year or four-year college (other than a Division II or III NCAA-member institution);
  • All Division I SAs must limit their competition to one team in one league per summer. As a result, SAs cannot compete with a team in a tryout for the league and then participate in the league on a different team;
  • All Division I SAs are aware that they CANNOT participate on more than one team or in more than one league per summer, and that their decision to participate in my league (regardless of the length of his/her participation) will preclude them from participating in any other league for the duration of the summer;
  • No all-star game of any kind is permitted;
  • My league does NOT receive revenue from spectator admissions, raffles or similar activities, live television broadcasts, or parking fees.
  • I must obtain a letter from the Director of Athletics (or the director's official representative) granting permission for each Division I SA to participate in my league PRIOR TO such SA's participation;
  • The eligibility of Division I SAs participating in my league is protected and that if a SA is rendered ineligible for collegiate competition due to the operation of my league, the league will be ineligible for certification the following year.
  • If there are prospective student-athletes participating in my league (high school, two-year college, etc.), I am aware that Division I coaches are not permitted to be in attendance at any time - not even to observe their own student-athletes that may be participating.
  • ZERO currently enrolled Division I SAs participate in my league before June 15.
  • The opening day of classes of classes has been identified for each institution that has Division I SA competing in my league.
  • ZERO Division I SAs are only permitted to participate in my league after August 31 OR their institution's first day of classes (whichever comes earlier). Terms

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